Package 'formatdown'

Title: Formatting Numbers in 'rmarkdown' Documents
Description: Provides a small set of tools for formatting numbers in R-markdown documents. Convert a numerical vector to character strings in power-of-ten form, decimal form, or measurement-units form; all are math-delimited for rendering as inline equations. Can also convert text into math-delimited text to match the font face and size of math-delimited numbers. Useful for rendering single numbers in inline R code chunks and for rendering columns in tables.
Authors: Richard Layton [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Richard Layton <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2025-02-26 04:30:49 UTC

Help Index

Air density measurements


Table of air properties at room temperature and pressure, simulating multiple measurements at approximately steady state,


data(air_meas, package = "formatdown")


Classes data.table and data.frame with 5 observations of 7 variables:


"Date" class format "YYYY-MM-DD".


Character, label "a" through "e".


Factor, humidity, "low", "med", or "high."


Numeric, measured temperature (K).


Numeric, measured atmospheric pressure (Pa).


Numeric, specific gas constant in mass form RspR_{sp}, ideal gas reference value, (J kg1^{-1}K1^{-1}).


Numeric, calculated air density ρ\rho = ppRsp1R_{sp}^{-1}T1T^{-1} (kg m3^{-3}).

Properties of standard atmosphere


Table of atmospheric properties as a function of altitude, sea level to 1000 km.


data(atmos, package = "formatdown")


Classes data.table and data.frame with 20 observations of 5 variables:


Numeric, altitude (km)


Numeric, air temperature (K)


Numeric, atmospheric pressure (Pa)


Numeric, air density (kg m3^{-3})


Numeric, speed of sound (m/s)


Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers 9/e (1987) E.A. Avallone and T. Baumeister (ed.), "Table 4.2.2 International Standard Atmosphere", pp. 4-38, McGraw-Hill, NY.

Format numbers in decimal notation


Convert a numeric vector to a character vector in which the numbers are formatted in decimal form and delimited for rendering as inline equations in an R markdown document.


  digits = 4,
  delim = formatdown_options("delim"),
  size = formatdown_options("size"),
  decimal_mark = formatdown_options("decimal_mark"),
  big_mark = formatdown_options("big_mark"),
  big_interval = formatdown_options("big_interval"),
  small_mark = formatdown_options("small_mark"),
  small_interval = formatdown_options("small_interval"),
  whitespace = formatdown_options("whitespace")



Number or numbers to be formatted. Can be a single number, a vector, or a column of a data frame.


Integer from 1 through 20 that controls the number of significant digits in printed numeric values. Passed to signif(). Default is 4.


Not used for values; forces subsequent arguments to be referable only by name.


Character, length 1 or 2, to define the left and right math markup delimiters. The default setting, delim = "$", produces left and right delimiters ⁠$...$⁠. The alternate built-in setting, delim = "\\(", produces left and right delimiters ⁠\\( ... \\)⁠. Custom delimiters can be assigned in a vector of length 2 with left and right delimiter symbols, e.g., ⁠c("\\[", "\\]")⁠. Special characters typically must be escaped.


Character, length 1, to assign a font size. If not empty, adds a font size macro to the markup inside the math delimiters. Possible values are "scriptsize", "small", "normalsize", "large", and "huge". One may also assign the equivalent LaTeX-style markup itself, e.g., "\\scriptsize", "\\small", etc. Default is NULL.


Character, length 1, to assign the decimal marker. Possible values are a period "." (default) or a comma ",". Passed to formatC(decimal.mark).


Character, length 1, used as the mark between every big_interval number of digits to the left of the decimal marker to improve readability. Possible values are empty "" (default) or "thin" to produce a LaTeX-style thin, horizontal space. One may also assign the thin-space markup itself "\\\\,". Passed to formatC(big.mark).


Integer, length 1, that defines the number of digits (default 3) in groups separated by big_mark. Passed to formatC(big.interval).


Character, length 1, used as the mark between every small_interval number of digits to the right of the decimal marker to improve readability. Possible values are empty "" (default) or "thin" to produce a LaTeX-style thin, horizontal space. One may also assign the thin-space markup itself "\\\\,". Passed to formatC(small.mark).


Integer, length 1, that defines the number of digits (default 5) in groups separated by small_mark. Passed to formatC(small.interval).


Character, length 1, to define the LaTeX-style math-mode macro to preserve a horizontal space between words of text or between physical-unit abbreviations when formatting numbers of class "units". Default is "\\\\ ". Alternatives include "\\\\:" or "⁠\\\\>⁠".


format_dcml() is a wrapper for the more general function format_numbers(). Where defaults are defined by formatdown_options(), users may reassign the arguments locally in the function call or globally using formatdown_options().

Arguments after the dots (...) must be referred to by name.


A character vector in which numbers are formatted in decimal form and delimited for rendering as inline equations in an R markdown document.

See Also

Other format_*: format_engr(), format_numbers(), format_sci(), format_text()


# input: single number
x <- 103400

# input: units class
x <- 103400
units(x) <- "N m2 C-2"

# input: vector
data("metals", package = "formatdown")
x <- metals$thrm_cond

# significant digits
x <- 155.77
format_dcml(x, 2)
format_dcml(x, 3)
format_dcml(x, 4)

# input: data frame
x <- metals[, c("dens", "thrm_cond")], 2, format_dcml, digits = 3))

# format_dcml() same as format_numbers(..., format = "dcml")
x <- 103400
format_numbers(x, format = "dcml")

Format engineering notation


Convert a numeric vector to a character vector in which the numbers are formatted in power-of-ten notation in engineering form and delimited for rendering as inline equations in an R markdown document.


  digits = 4,
  omit_power = c(-1, 2),
  set_power = NULL,
  delim = formatdown_options("delim"),
  size = formatdown_options("size"),
  decimal_mark = formatdown_options("decimal_mark"),
  small_mark = formatdown_options("small_mark"),
  small_interval = formatdown_options("small_interval"),
  whitespace = formatdown_options("whitespace"),
  multiply_mark = formatdown_options("multiply_mark")



Number or numbers to be formatted. Can be a single number, a vector, or a column of a data frame.


Integer from 1 through 20 that controls the number of significant digits in printed numeric values. Passed to signif(). Default is 4.


Not used for values; forces subsequent arguments to be referable only by name.


Numeric vector c(p, q) with p <= q, specifying the range of exponents over which power-of-ten notation is omitted in either scientific or engineering format. Default is c(-1, 2). If a single value is assigned, i.e., omit_power = p, the argument is interpreted as c(p, p). If NULL or NA, all elements are formatted in power-of-ten notation. Argument is overridden by specifying set_power or decimal notation.


Integer, length 1. Formats all values in x with the same power-of-ten exponent. Default NULL. Overrides format and omit_power arguments.


Character, length 1 or 2, to define the left and right math markup delimiters. The default setting, delim = "$", produces left and right delimiters ⁠$...$⁠. The alternate built-in setting, delim = "\\(", produces left and right delimiters ⁠\\( ... \\)⁠. Custom delimiters can be assigned in a vector of length 2 with left and right delimiter symbols, e.g., ⁠c("\\[", "\\]")⁠. Special characters typically must be escaped.


Character, length 1, to assign a font size. If not empty, adds a font size macro to the markup inside the math delimiters. Possible values are "scriptsize", "small", "normalsize", "large", and "huge". One may also assign the equivalent LaTeX-style markup itself, e.g., "\\scriptsize", "\\small", etc. Default is NULL.


Character, length 1, to assign the decimal marker. Possible values are a period "." (default) or a comma ",". Passed to formatC(decimal.mark).


Character, length 1, used as the mark between every small_interval number of digits to the right of the decimal marker to improve readability. Possible values are empty "" (default) or "thin" to produce a LaTeX-style thin, horizontal space. One may also assign the thin-space markup itself "\\\\,". Passed to formatC(small.mark).


Integer, length 1, that defines the number of digits (default 5) in groups separated by small_mark. Passed to formatC(small.interval).


Character, length 1, to define the LaTeX-style math-mode macro to preserve a horizontal space between words of text or between physical-unit abbreviations when formatting numbers of class "units". Default is "\\\\ ". Alternatives include "\\\\:" or "⁠\\\\>⁠".


Character, length 1, to define the multiplication symbol in power of ten notation. Possible values are "\\times" (default) or a half-high dot "\\cdot" which is often used when the decimal mark is a comma.


In engineering notation, all exponents are multiples of three. format_engr() is a wrapper for the more general function format_numbers(). Where defaults are defined by formatdown_options(), users may reassign the arguments locally in the function call or globally using formatdown_options().

Arguments after the dots (...) must be referred to by name.


A character vector in which numbers are formatted in power-of-ten notation in engineering form and delimited for rendering as inline equations in an R markdown document.

See Also

Other format_*: format_dcml(), format_numbers(), format_sci(), format_text()


# input: single number
x <- 6.0221E+23

# input: units class
x <- 103400
units(x) <- "N m2 C-2"

# input: vector
data("metals", package = "formatdown")
x <- metals$dens

# significant digits
x <- 9.75358e+5
format_engr(x, 2)
format_engr(x, 3)
format_engr(x, 4)

# input: data frame
x <- metals[, c("thrm_exp", "thrm_cond")], 2, format_engr, digits = 3))

# format_engr() same as format_numbers(..., format = "engr")
x <- 6.0221E+23
format_numbers(x, format = "engr")

# omit_power
x <- 103400
format_engr(x, omit_power = c(-1, 2)) # default
format_engr(x, omit_power = c(-1, 5))
format_engr(x, omit_power = 5) # equivalent to omit_power = c(5, 5)

# omit_power = NULL, power-of-ten notation for all elements
x <- c(1.2, 103400)
format_engr(x, omit_power = NULL)

# omit_power applies to native exponent (before engr formatting)
x <- 103400
format_sci(x) # native exponent is 5
format_engr(x, omit_power = 5)

# omit_power applies to exponent after engr formatting
x <- 103400
format_engr(x) # engr exponent is 3
format_engr(x, omit_power = 3)

# set_power overrides default engineering exponent
x <- 103400
format_engr(x, set_power = 4)

# set_power overrides omit_power
x <- 103400
format_engr(x, omit_power = 3)
format_engr(x, omit_power = 3, set_power = 3)

Format numbers


Convert a numeric vector to a character vector in which the numbers are formatted in power-of-ten notation in scientific or engineering form and delimited for rendering as inline equations in an R markdown document. Decimal numbers can be similarly formatted, without the power-of-ten notation.


  digits = 4,
  format = "engr",
  omit_power = c(-1, 2),
  set_power = NULL,
  delim = formatdown_options("delim"),
  size = formatdown_options("size"),
  decimal_mark = formatdown_options("decimal_mark"),
  big_mark = formatdown_options("big_mark"),
  big_interval = formatdown_options("big_interval"),
  small_mark = formatdown_options("small_mark"),
  small_interval = formatdown_options("small_interval"),
  whitespace = formatdown_options("whitespace"),
  multiply_mark = formatdown_options("multiply_mark")



Number or numbers to be formatted. Can be a single number, a vector, or a column of a data frame.


Integer from 1 through 20 that controls the number of significant digits in printed numeric values. Passed to signif(). Default is 4.


Character, length 1, defines the type of notation. Possible values are "engr" (default) for engineering power-of-ten notation, "sci" for scientific power-of-ten notation, and "dcml" for decimal notation.


Not used for values; forces subsequent arguments to be referable only by name.


Numeric vector c(p, q) with p <= q, specifying the range of exponents over which power-of-ten notation is omitted in either scientific or engineering format. Default is c(-1, 2). If a single value is assigned, i.e., omit_power = p, the argument is interpreted as c(p, p). If NULL or NA, all elements are formatted in power-of-ten notation. Argument is overridden by specifying set_power or decimal notation.


Integer, length 1. Formats all values in x with the same power-of-ten exponent. Default NULL. Overrides format and omit_power arguments.


Character, length 1 or 2, to define the left and right math markup delimiters. The default setting, delim = "$", produces left and right delimiters ⁠$...$⁠. The alternate built-in setting, delim = "\\(", produces left and right delimiters ⁠\\( ... \\)⁠. Custom delimiters can be assigned in a vector of length 2 with left and right delimiter symbols, e.g., ⁠c("\\[", "\\]")⁠. Special characters typically must be escaped.


Character, length 1, to assign a font size. If not empty, adds a font size macro to the markup inside the math delimiters. Possible values are "scriptsize", "small", "normalsize", "large", and "huge". One may also assign the equivalent LaTeX-style markup itself, e.g., "\\scriptsize", "\\small", etc. Default is NULL.


Character, length 1, to assign the decimal marker. Possible values are a period "." (default) or a comma ",". Passed to formatC(decimal.mark).


Character, length 1, used as the mark between every big_interval number of digits to the left of the decimal marker to improve readability. Possible values are empty "" (default) or "thin" to produce a LaTeX-style thin, horizontal space. One may also assign the thin-space markup itself "\\\\,". Passed to formatC(big.mark).


Integer, length 1, that defines the number of digits (default 3) in groups separated by big_mark. Passed to formatC(big.interval).


Character, length 1, used as the mark between every small_interval number of digits to the right of the decimal marker to improve readability. Possible values are empty "" (default) or "thin" to produce a LaTeX-style thin, horizontal space. One may also assign the thin-space markup itself "\\\\,". Passed to formatC(small.mark).


Integer, length 1, that defines the number of digits (default 5) in groups separated by small_mark. Passed to formatC(small.interval).


Character, length 1, to define the LaTeX-style math-mode macro to preserve a horizontal space between words of text or between physical-unit abbreviations when formatting numbers of class "units". Default is "\\\\ ". Alternatives include "\\\\:" or "⁠\\\\>⁠".


Character, length 1, to define the multiplication symbol in power of ten notation. Possible values are "\\times" (default) or a half-high dot "\\cdot" which is often used when the decimal mark is a comma.


Given a number, a numerical vector, or a numerical column from a data frame, format_numbers() converts the numbers to character strings of the form, "$a \\times 10^{n}$", where a is the coefficient to a specified number of significant digits and n is the exponent. When used for decimal notation, format_numbers() converts numbers to character strings of the form "$a$".

Powers-of-ten notation is omitted over a range of exponents via omit_power such that numbers so specified are converted to decimal notation. For example, the default omit_power = c(-1, 2) formats numbers such as 0.123, 1.23, 12.3, and 123 in decimal form. To cancel these exceptions and convert all numbers to powers-of-ten notation, set the omit_power argument to NULL or NA.

Delimiters for inline math markup can be edited if necessary. If the default argument fails, try using "\\(" as an alternative. If using a custom delimiter to suit the markup environment, be sure to escape all special symbols.

When inputs are of class "units" (created with the units package), a math-text macro of the form ⁠\\mathrm{<units_string>}⁠ is appended to the formatted numerical value inside the math delimiters.

Arguments after the dots (...) must be referred to by name.


A character vector in which numbers are formatted in power-of-ten or decimal notation and delimited for rendering as inline equations in an R markdown document.

See Also

Other format_*: format_dcml(), format_engr(), format_sci(), format_text()


# input: single number
x <- 6.0221E+23

# input: units class
x <- 103400
units(x) <- "N m2 C-2"

# input: vector
data("metals", package = "formatdown")
x <- metals$dens

# significant digits
x <- 9.75358e+5
format_numbers(x, 2)
format_numbers(x, 3)
format_numbers(x, 4)

# input: data frame
x <- metals[, c("thrm_exp", "thrm_cond")], 2, format_sci, digits = 3))

# omit_power
x <- 103400
format_numbers(x, format = "sci", omit_power = c(-1, 2)) # default
format_numbers(x, format = "sci", omit_power = c(-1, 5))
format_numbers(x, format = "sci", omit_power = 5) # equivalent to omit_power = c(5, 5)

# omit_power = NULL, power-of-ten notation for all elements
x <- c(1.2, 103400)
format_numbers(x, format = "sci")
format_numbers(x, format = "sci", omit_power = NULL)

# set_power overrides default scientific exponent
x <- 103400
format_numbers(x, format = "sci")
format_numbers(x, format = "sci", set_power = 4)

# set_power overrides omit_power
x <- 103400
format_numbers(x, format = "sci")
format_numbers(x, format = "sci", omit_power = 5)
format_numbers(x, format = "sci", omit_power = 5, set_power = 4)

# decimal format overrides set_power
x <- 103400
format_numbers(x, format = "dcml")
format_numbers(x, format = "dcml", set_power = 3)

Format numbers in scientific notation


Convert a numeric vector to a character vector in which the numbers are formatted in power-of-ten notation in scientific form and delimited for rendering as inline equations in an R markdown document.


  digits = 4,
  omit_power = c(-1, 2),
  set_power = NULL,
  delim = formatdown_options("delim"),
  size = formatdown_options("size"),
  decimal_mark = formatdown_options("decimal_mark"),
  small_mark = formatdown_options("small_mark"),
  small_interval = formatdown_options("small_interval"),
  whitespace = formatdown_options("whitespace"),
  multiply_mark = formatdown_options("multiply_mark")



Number or numbers to be formatted. Can be a single number, a vector, or a column of a data frame.


Integer from 1 through 20 that controls the number of significant digits in printed numeric values. Passed to signif(). Default is 4.


Not used for values; forces subsequent arguments to be referable only by name.


Numeric vector c(p, q) with p <= q, specifying the range of exponents over which power-of-ten notation is omitted in either scientific or engineering format. Default is c(-1, 2). If a single value is assigned, i.e., omit_power = p, the argument is interpreted as c(p, p). If NULL or NA, all elements are formatted in power-of-ten notation. Argument is overridden by specifying set_power or decimal notation.


Integer, length 1. Formats all values in x with the same power-of-ten exponent. Default NULL. Overrides format and omit_power arguments.


Character, length 1 or 2, to define the left and right math markup delimiters. The default setting, delim = "$", produces left and right delimiters ⁠$...$⁠. The alternate built-in setting, delim = "\\(", produces left and right delimiters ⁠\\( ... \\)⁠. Custom delimiters can be assigned in a vector of length 2 with left and right delimiter symbols, e.g., ⁠c("\\[", "\\]")⁠. Special characters typically must be escaped.


Character, length 1, to assign a font size. If not empty, adds a font size macro to the markup inside the math delimiters. Possible values are "scriptsize", "small", "normalsize", "large", and "huge". One may also assign the equivalent LaTeX-style markup itself, e.g., "\\scriptsize", "\\small", etc. Default is NULL.


Character, length 1, to assign the decimal marker. Possible values are a period "." (default) or a comma ",". Passed to formatC(decimal.mark).


Character, length 1, used as the mark between every small_interval number of digits to the right of the decimal marker to improve readability. Possible values are empty "" (default) or "thin" to produce a LaTeX-style thin, horizontal space. One may also assign the thin-space markup itself "\\\\,". Passed to formatC(small.mark).


Integer, length 1, that defines the number of digits (default 5) in groups separated by small_mark. Passed to formatC(small.interval).


Character, length 1, to define the LaTeX-style math-mode macro to preserve a horizontal space between words of text or between physical-unit abbreviations when formatting numbers of class "units". Default is "\\\\ ". Alternatives include "\\\\:" or "⁠\\\\>⁠".


Character, length 1, to define the multiplication symbol in power of ten notation. Possible values are "\\times" (default) or a half-high dot "\\cdot" which is often used when the decimal mark is a comma.


format_sci() is a wrapper for the more general function format_numbers(). Where defaults are defined by formatdown_options(), users may reassign the arguments locally in the function call or globally using formatdown_options().

Arguments after the dots (...) must be referred to by name.


A character vector in which numbers are formatted in power-of-ten notation in scientific form and delimited for rendering as inline equations in an R markdown document.

See Also

Other format_*: format_dcml(), format_engr(), format_numbers(), format_text()


# input: single number
x <- 6.0221E+23

# input: units class
x <- 103400
units(x) <- "N m2 C-2"

# input: vector
data("metals", package = "formatdown")
x <- metals$dens

# significant digits
x <- 9.75358e+5
format_sci(x, 2)
format_sci(x, 3)
format_sci(x, 4)

# input: data frame
x <- metals[, c("thrm_exp", "thrm_cond")], 2, format_sci, digits = 3))

# format_sci() same as format_numbers(..., format = "sci")
x <- 6.0221E+23
format_numbers(x, format = "sci")

# omit_power
x <- 103400
format_sci(x, omit_power = c(-1, 2)) # default
format_sci(x, omit_power = c(-1, 5))
format_sci(x, omit_power = 5) # equivalent to omit_power = c(5, 5)

# omit_power = NULL, power-of-ten notation for all elements
x <- c(1.2, 103400)
format_sci(x, omit_power = NULL)

# set_power overrides default scientific exponent
x <- 103400
format_sci(x, set_power = 4)

# set_power overrides omit_power
x <- 103400
format_sci(x, omit_power = 5)
format_sci(x, omit_power = 5, set_power = 4)

Format text


Convert a character vector to "math text" delimited for rendering as inline equations in an R markdown document. Particularly useful for matching the font face of character columns to that of numerical columns in a table.


  face = "plain",
  size = formatdown_options("size"),
  delim = formatdown_options("delim"),
  whitespace = formatdown_options("whitespace")



Vector to be formatted.


Font face. Determines the font face macro inside the math delimiters. Possible values are "plain" (default), "italic", "bold", "sans", or "mono". One may assign instead the corresponding LaTeX-style markup itself, e.g., ⁠\\mathrm⁠, ⁠\\mathit⁠, ⁠\\mathbf⁠, ⁠\\mathsf⁠, or ⁠\\mathtt⁠.


Not used, force later arguments to be used by name.

size, delim, whitespace

Used to format the math-delimited character strings. For details, see the help page for formatdown_options().


Given a scalar, vector, or data frame column, format_text() converts its argument to a character string of the form "$\\mathxx{a}$" where a is the element to be formatted and ⁠\\mathxx⁠ determines the font face: plain type is set by ⁠\\mathrm⁠; italic by ⁠\\mathit⁠; bold by ⁠\\mathbf⁠; sans serif by ⁠\\mathsf⁠; and monospace (typewriter text) by ⁠\\mathtt⁠. All strings include markup delimiters ⁠$...$⁠ for rendering (in an R markdown or Quarto markdown document) as an inline equation.


A character vector with elements delimited as inline math markup in plain, italic, sans serif, bold, or monospace font face.

See Also

Other format_*: format_dcml(), format_engr(), format_numbers(), format_sci()


# Text vector

# default face = "plain"
x <- air_meas$humid

# equivalently
format_text(x, face = "plain")

# input vector
x <- c("Hello world!", "Goodbye blues!")

# argument coerced to character string if possible
format_text(c(1.2, 2.3, 3.4))
format_text(x = NA)
format_text(x = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE))

# numbers as strings are rendered as-is
format_text(x = c("1.2E-3", "3.4E+0", "5.6E+3"))

# other font faces
format_text(x, face = "italic")
format_text(x, face = "bold")
format_text(x, face = "sans")
format_text(x, face = "mono")

Get and set function arguments via options


Changes the default values of function arguments which affect the markup and appearance of formatdown results.


formatdown_options(..., reset = FALSE)



One or more name = value pairs to set values; or one or more quoted option names to get values.


Logical vector of length 1; if TRUE, reset all options to their default values.


Global options are provided for arguments that users would likely prefer to set once in a document instead of repeating in every function call. For example, some users prefer a comma decimal marker (",") throughout a document.

Globally-set arguments can be overridden locally by assigning them in a function call.

The arguments that can be set with this function are as follows:

  • delim: Character, length 1 or 2, to define the left and right math markup delimiters. The default setting, delim = "$", produces left and right delimiters ⁠$...$⁠. The alternate built-in setting, delim = "\\(", produces left and right delimiters ⁠\\( ... \\)⁠. Custom delimiters can be assigned in a vector of length 2 with left and right delimiter symbols, e.g., ⁠c("\\[", "\\]")⁠. Special characters typically must be escaped.

  • size: Character, length 1, to assign a font size. If not empty, adds a font size macro to the markup inside the math delimiters. Possible values are "scriptsize", "small", "normalsize", "large", and "huge". One may also assign the equivalent LaTeX-style markup itself, e.g., "\\scriptsize", "\\small", etc. Default is NULL.

  • decimal_mark: Character, length 1, to assign the decimal marker. Possible values are a period "." (default) or a comma ",". Passed to formatC(decimal.mark).

  • big_mark: Character, length 1, used as the mark between every big_interval number of digits to the left of the decimal marker to improve readability. Possible values are empty "" (default) or "thin" to produce a LaTeX-style thin, horizontal space. One may also assign the thin-space markup itself "\\\\,". Passed to formatC(big.mark).

  • big_interval: Integer, length 1, that defines the number of digits (default 3) in groups separated by big_mark. Passed to formatC(big.interval).

  • small_mark: Character, length 1, used as the mark between every small_interval number of digits to the right of the decimal marker to improve readability. Possible values are empty "" (default) or "thin" to produce a LaTeX-style thin, horizontal space. One may also assign the thin-space markup itself "\\\\,". Passed to formatC(small.mark).

  • small_interval: Integer, length 1, that defines the number of digits (default 5) in groups separated by small_mark. Passed to formatC(small.interval).

  • whitespace: Character, length 1, to define the LaTeX-style math-mode macro to preserve a horizontal space between words of text or between physical-unit abbreviations when formatting numbers of class "units". Default is "\\\\ ". Alternatives include "\\\\:" or "⁠\\\\>⁠".

  • multiply_mark: Character, length 1, to define the multiplication symbol in power of ten notation. Possible values are "\\times" (default) or a half-high dot "\\cdot" which is often used when the decimal mark is a comma.


Nothing; used for its side-effect.


# Show all options

# Store existing settings, including any changes made by the user
old_settings <- formatdown_options()

# View one option

# View multiple options
formatdown_options("size", "delim")

# Change options
formatdown_options(size = "small", delim = "\\(")
formatdown_options("size", "delim")

# Reset to default values
formatdown_options(reset = TRUE)
formatdown_options("size", "delim")

# Reset options to those before this example was run, old_settings)

# Option effects

# delim
x <- 101300
# equivalent to
format_dcml(x, delim = c("$", "$"))
# built-in alternate
format_dcml(x, delim = "\\(")
# equivalent to
format_dcml(x, delim = c("\\(", "\\)"))

# size
format_dcml(x, size = "small")
# equivalent to
format_dcml(x, size = "\\small")
# other possible values
format_dcml(x, size = "scriptsize")
format_dcml(x, size = "large")
format_dcml(x, size = "huge")
# default NULL
format_dcml(x, size = NULL)
# renders equivalent to
format_dcml(x, size = "normalsize")

# decimal_mark
y <- 6.02214076E+10
format_sci(y, 5, decimal_mark = ".")
format_sci(y, 5, decimal_mark = ",")

# big_mark
format_dcml(y, 9)
format_dcml(y, 9, big_mark = "thin")
# equivalent to
format_dcml(y, 9, big_mark = "\\\\,")

# big_interval
format_dcml(y, 9, big_mark = "thin", big_interval = 3)
format_dcml(y, 9, big_mark = "thin", big_interval = 5)

# small_mark
z <- 1.602176634e-8
format_sci(z, 10)
format_sci(z, 10, small_mark = "thin")
format_sci(z, 10, small_mark = "\\\\,")
format_engr(z, 10, small_mark = "thin")

# small_interval
format_sci(z, 10, small_mark = "thin", small_interval = 3)
format_sci(z, 10, small_mark = "thin", small_interval = 5)
format_engr(z, 10, small_mark = "thin", small_interval = 5)

# whitespace in text
p <- "Hello world!"
# equivalent to
format_text(p, whitespace = "\\\\ ")
# alternates
format_text(p, whitespace = "\\\\:")
format_text(p, whitespace = "\\\\>")

# whitespace in physical units expression
x <- pi
units(x) <- "m/s"
# equivalent to
format_dcml(x, whitespace = "\\\\ ")

# multiply_mark
x <- 101300
format_engr(x, decimal_mark = ".", multiply_mark = "\\times")
format_engr(x, decimal_mark = ",", multiply_mark = "\\cdot")

Properties of metals


Table of mechanical and thermal properties of selected metals.


data(metals, package = "formatdown")


Classes data.table and data.frame with 6 observations of 5 variables:


Character, name of material


Numeric, density (kg m3^{-3})


Numeric, coefficient of thermal expansion (m m1^{-1}K1^{-1})


Numeric, thermal conductivity (W m1^{-1}K1^{-1})


Numeric, modulus of elasticity (Pa)


Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers 9/e (1987) E.A. Avallone and T. Baumeister (ed.), "Basic Properties of Several Metals", pp. 6-11, McGraw-Hill, NY.

Properties of water


Table of water properties at atmospheric pressure as a function of temperature.


data(water, package = "formatdown")


Classes data.table and data.frame with 11 observations of 5 variables:


Numeric, temperature (K)


Numeric, density (kg m3^{-3})


Numeric, specific weight (N m3^{-3})


Numeric, dynamic viscosity (Pa s)


Numeric, bulk modulus (Pa)


E. Maurer E and I. Embry (2022) hydraulics: Basic Pipe and Open Channel Hydraulics, R package ver. 0.6.0,